News: Car Manufacturers Must Do This in 2024..

UK Car Manufacturers must boost electric vehicle sales in 2024 to avoid penalties.

Beginning January 1, 2024, UK car manufacturers are obligated to increase their electric vehicle sales in line with the new Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) mandate. This regulation stipulates that 22% of all car sales and 10% of all van sales must be fully electric. The initiative is part of a broader effort to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable transportation.

The UK government plans to gradually raise these targets, with the aim of having at least 80% of new car sales be electric by 2030. By 2035, the goal is for all new vehicle sales to be zero-emission, aligning with the 2023 ban on diesel and petrol vehicle sales.

Manufacturers who fail to meet these targets in 2024 will incur significant fines: £15,000 for each car and £9,000 for each van that falls short of the requirement. This regulation is likely to result in a wider range of electric vehicle models available on the market and more competitive offers to attract consumers, driving up electric vehicle adoption rates.

The introduction of the ZEV mandate represents a crucial move in the UK’s strategy to address climate change and advance sustainable transport, potentially setting an example for other countries to emulate.

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